MUSE Elixirs

Crone Inner Goddess Elixir

Sale price Price €29,00 Regular price €39,00 Unit price  per 

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This extract is a 100% natural, hand-crafted, raw elixir with bio active propreties that acts as a holistic remedy (body, mind, soul).

Crone Elixir will keep space for your healing and transformation. The Crone will guide you through the intense moments of the month and will heal and regenerate your body and aura, so that you can be reborn every month, just like The Goddess.

SECRET INGREDIENTS: The Crone Elixir is made out of magical plants carefully pressed by hand, such as:

Linden (Tilia cordata),

Sage (Salvia officinalis).

The selected plants are cold pressed with:

Hazelnuts (Corylus) (everything pressed by hand, in a non-metallic medium).

These plants have been chosen to cast an Immortality spell every time you use it. This elixir helps us to learn how to focus in order to transform matter and emotion into energy and light.

HOW TO USE: Use this elixir during the last quarter phase of the Moon and also during your period cycle. Write down as much as possible, your emotions and moods, while you take time for yourself and consciously complete the cycle of rebirth and transformation.

Use this elixir directly on skin, it will restructures and heal body, mind and soul.

Crone Elixir is used on cuticles, moles, painful places, chest, wrists, knees, temples, and the third eye, and the crown chakra (scalp). This raw elixir unravels its secret powers and natural aromas when it touches damp skin (after shower).

Should not be confused with an essential oil. This is a precious nutritive (oleaginous) oil, DO NOT USE in aromatherapy lamp or over fire.